Fungal hyphae colonization by Bacillus subtilis relies on biofilm matrix components

Bodil Kjeldgaard, Stevanus A. Listian, Valliyammai Ramaswamhi, Anne Richter, Heiko T. Kiesewalter, Ákos T. Kovács*

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Bacteria interact with their environment including microbes and higher eukaryotes. The ability of bacteria and fungi to affect each other are defined by various chemical, physical and biological factors. During physical association, bacterial cells can directly attach and settle on the hyphae of various fungal species. Such colonization of mycelia was proposed to be dependent on biofilm formation by the bacteria, but the essentiality of the biofilm matrix was not represented before. Here, we demonstrate that secreted biofilm matrix components of the soil-dwelling bacterium, Bacillus subtilis are essential for the establishment of a dense bacterial population on the hyphae of the filamentous black mold fungus, Aspergillus niger and the basidiomycete mushroom, Agaricus bisporus. We further illustrate that these matrix components can be shared among various mutants highlighting the community shaping impact of biofilm formers on bacteria-fungi interactions.
Original languageEnglish
Article number100007
Number of pages8
Publication statusPublished - 2019


  • Bacillus subtilis
  • Aspergillus niger
  • Agaricus bisporus
  • Fungal hyphae
  • Biofilm matrix


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