Fundamentals of Silicene, Authors: Guzmán-Verri Gian G., Lok C. Lew Yan Voon and Willatzen Morten

Gian G. Guzman-Verri, Lok C. Lew Yan Voon, Morten Willatzen

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingBook chapterResearchpeer-review


    Silicene1 is a single atomic layer of silicon (Si) much like graphene, the first example of an elemental twodimensional (2D) nanomaterial whose study led to the 2010 Nobel Prize in Physics.2 Until 2010 or so, the only known crystalline form of elemental silicon was the one with the so-called diamond structure (a threedimensional
    cubic structure with sp3 -bonded Si atoms). That silicon could potentially form a 2D structure was first postulated by Takeda and Shiraishi.3,4 This early work and others, both theoretical5–7 and experimental,8,9 went mostly unnoticed until the prediction that silicene could have similar exotic properties as graphene by Guzmán-Verri and Lew Yan Voon in 2007,1 and silicene nanoribbons were reported to have been fabricated on a silver substrate by Kara et al. in 2009.10 Since then, the study of silicene has exploded, mainly theoretically11–527 but also experimentally.528–612 The interest in silicene is exactly the same as that for graphene2: in being two-dimensional and possessing a linear band structure, the so-called Dirac cone.1 One advantage relies on its possible application in
    electronics, whereby its natural compatibility with the current Si technology might make fabrication much more of an industrial reality. We will concentrate this tutorial on the properties of a single freestanding silicene sheet. Freestanding means that the silicene sheet is not chemically or physically bonded to any other material. The feat with graphene was the ability to peel off a single layer of graphene from a piece of graphite, a process known as mechanical exfoliation. Such a layered precursor is missing for silicene. A close analogue, though, is calcium disilicide, indeed a layered material and the related process of chemical
    exfoliation has been tried,8 with only partial success as the resulting product was mostly multilayers and functionalized. Not surprisingly, a number of review articles have already appeared that includes extensive discussions of silicone.309,603,613–646 The current review is more tutorial in nature.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationSilicon Nanomaterials Sourcebook Low-Dimensional Structures Nanopowders, Nanowires
    PublisherCRC Press
    Publication date2017
    ISBN (Print)978-1-4987-6377-6
    Publication statusPublished - 2017


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