Fundamentals for remote condition monitoring of offshore wind turbine blades

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingArticle in proceedingsResearch


    It is anticipated that the large offshore wind farms planed for the near future will require a level of sensor technology sufficient to monitor their general condition from on-shore stations. The continuous monitoring of operational condition and structural responses will give a higher level of safety and reduce the requirement for manual inspections. The turbine blades of a modern wind farm are incredibly large rotating components Subjected to cyclic load variations (both the aerodynamic loading and the constant variation in gravitational loading during rotation) which can lead to fatigue damage or failure in the Structural materials. The vision is of future blades containing sensors that give very early indications of any damage that is classed as critical or that is developing unacceptably rapidly. This early indication allows the option of changing operating conditions, and of a timely inspection, repair or replacement. The paper explores the requirements for the level of remote data Output that will allow an initial improvement in the overall management of offshore wind farms., and ultimately accurate estimates of remaining life for individual blades. The practical and theoretical knowledge synergy required to introduce a working system is also considered. Although the initial objectives of the present Study were simply to establish the fundamentals for such technology, with industrial collaboration to follow, it quickly became clear that the development of specific prototype software and hardware systems should be included. The paper also discusses the possible reasons for finding Such a proactive interest in SHM technology within offshore wind energy, where other industrial applications have exhibited more resistance.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationStructural health monitoring 2007 : Quantification, validation, and implementation. Proceedings
    EditorsF.-K. Chang
    VolumeVol. 2
    Place of PublicationLancaster
    PublisherDEStech Publications, Inc.
    Publication date2007
    ISBN (Print)19-32-07871-8
    Publication statusPublished - 2007
    Event6th International workshop on structural health monitoring - Stanford University, Stanford, United States
    Duration: 11 Sept 200713 Sept 2007


    Workshop6th International workshop on structural health monitoring
    LocationStanford University
    Country/TerritoryUnited States


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