Format for description of building envelope components for use in an optimization process

Claus Christian Rudbeck, Sv Aa Højgaard Svendsen

    Research output: Book/ReportReportResearchpeer-review


    When designing a building the number of possible combinations of aspects related to the performance of the building envelope are almost unlimited. Due to the physical laws governing e.g. the static performance of the building, some aspects should be kept within a certain interval. Other aspects are decided by the architect or kept within limits due to public regulations, but even when these factors have been decided, some are left to be decided. Aspects like durability and the thermal performance are seldom specified by the architect, but might be addressed in national building codes. The national building codes specify minimum requirements for the aspects in question, but no trade-offs between the different aspects are allowed, being un-flexible. To allow for the use of optimization procedures in the design process a larger degree of flexibility is needed but first of all there is a need for describing building components is a uniform way. The aim of the report is to describe the format of the building envelope description making it possible to include several aspects into one common parameter which can or will make it possible to compare the performance of several alternatives.
    Original languageEnglish
    Number of pages32
    Publication statusPublished - 1999
    EventIEA Annex 32 IBEPA Meeting - Ottawa, Canada
    Duration: 1 Jan 1999 → …


    ConferenceIEA Annex 32 IBEPA Meeting
    CityOttawa, Canada
    Period01/01/1999 → …

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