Fmoc solid-phase synthesis of peptide thioesters by masking as trithioortho esters

Jesper Brask, F. Albericio, Knud Jørgen Jensen

Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review


Total chemical synthesis of proteins by chemoselective ligation relies on C-terminal peptide thioesters as building blocks. Their preparation by standard Fmoc solid-phase peptide synthesis is made difficult by the lability of thioesters to aminolysis by the secondary amines used for removal of the Fmoc group. Here we present a novel backbone amide linker (BAL) strategy for their synthesis in which the thioester functionality is masked as a trithioortho ester throughout the synthesis.
Original languageEnglish
JournalOrganic Letters
Issue number16
Pages (from-to)2951-2953
Publication statusPublished - 2003


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