FM Research for Practice in Denmark

    Research output: Contribution to conferenceConference abstract for conferenceResearchpeer-review


    Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to present an overview of research and development in the area of Facilities Management (FM) in Denmark. Background: Research in FM is a fairly new activity in Denmark, but there have during the 1980’s and 1990’s been a number of development activities on national level, which have had importance to constitute and form a professional basis for FM. Approach (Theory/Methodology): The paper provides a chronological overview of research and development activities related to FM over the last 30 years in Denmark, including CFM’s ongoing research projects. Results: In the 1980’s the research activities related to FM mostly concerned indoor climate and there was also some research on briefing and development projects concerning building operation. In the 1990’s the research related to FM was broadened to a wider environmental focus including energy and the external environment. FM started to be developed in practice with a strong focus on benchmarking and IT systems like CAFM. Around year 2000 a number of research and development project on Whole Life Costing was carried out and around 2005 there were some development projects and publications on new offices. Digital handover of data from building projects to FM and Building Information Modelling also became an important field of development. Research in FM started at DTU in 2003 and got a major boost by the establishing of CFM in 2008. In recent years sustainability has emerged as a new important research area in FM both in Denmark and internationally. Practical Implications: The paper provides an overview of research and development related to FM, which is an important background to understand the trends and the state of the art and gives a basis for discussions and decisions on future research themes and activities.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication date2011
    Publication statusPublished - 2011
    EventCFM Nordic Conference: Research for Practice - Vision of Futures - Technical University of Denmark, Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark
    Duration: 22 Aug 201123 Aug 2011


    ConferenceCFM Nordic Conference
    LocationTechnical University of Denmark
    CityKgs. Lyngby


    • CFM
    • Facilities Management
    • Denmark
    • Development
    • Research


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