FM as creator of added value

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingBook chapterResearchpeer-review


In recent years there has both in practise and research been an increased focus on how FM can create added value for organisations. Within research this has resulted in development of a number of conceptual models and tools as well as collection of much empirical information. However, the practical application of this knowledge has been limited and turned out to be difficult. The reasons seem to be that the different models are to complex and that a common terminology and a clear operationalization of input-output-outcome relationships are lacking. Therefore, we have as part of the work on a new book developed a simpler model for creation of added value of FM and the related Corporate Real Estate Management (CREM) with the aim to provide a better basis for application in practise. At the same time we have aimed at creating an integration of knowledge from FM and CREM, so that we establish a common foundation that utilises the strong aspects of these closely related disciplines.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationFacilities Management Models, Methods and Tools
Publication date2019
Publication statusPublished - 2019


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