Flux-flow effects in annular Josephson tunnel junctions

Roberto Monaco*, Jesper Mygind, Valery P. Koshelets

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We investigate Josephson flux flow in annular Josephson tunnel junctions (AJTJs) under the application of magnetic fields generating finite-voltage steps in their current-voltage characteristics. Experimental data are presented for confocal AJTJs, which are the natural generalization of the well-studied circular AJTJs for which flux-flow effects have never been reported. Displaced linear slopes, Fiske step staircases, and Eck steps were sequentially recorded at 4.2 K with high-quality Nb/Al-AlOx/Nb confocal AJTJs when increasing the strength of a uniform magnetic field applied in the plane of the junction. Their amplitude was found to strongly depend not only on the strength but also on the orientation of the external field. Extensive numerical simulations based on a phenomenological sine-Gordon model developed for confocal AJTJs were carried out to disclose the basic flux-flow mechanism responsible for the appearance of magnetically induced steps and to elucidate the role of several critical parameters, namely, the field orientation, the system loss, and the annulus eccentricity. It was found that in a topologically closed system, such as the AJTJ, where the number of trapped fluxons is conserved and new fluxons can be created only in the form of fluxon-antifluxon pairs, the existence of a steady viscous flow of Josephson vortices only relies on the capability of the fluxons and antifluxons to be generated and to annihilate each other inside the junction. This also implies that flux-flow effects are not observable in circular AJTJs.
Original languageEnglish
Article number064501
JournalPhysical Review B
Issue number6
Number of pages11
Publication statusPublished - 2019


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