Flexible Nordic Energy Systems

Klaus Skytte, Claire Bergaentzlé, Felipe Fausto, Philipp Andreas Gunkel

Research output: Book/ReportReportResearch

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The Flex4RES project investigated how an intensified interaction between coupled energy markets supported by coherent regulatory frameworks can facilitate the integration of high shares of variable renewable energy (VRE) into Nordic-Baltic energy systems ensuring stability, sustainability, and cost-efficiency. Through a holistic system approach based on coupled energy markets, the potential costs and benefits of achieving flexibility in the Nordic-Baltic electricity market from the heat, gas and transport sectors, as well as through electricity transmission and generation were identified. Flex4RES developed and applied a multidisciplinary research strategy that combined the technical analysis of flexibility needs and potentials; the economic analysis of markets and regulatory frameworks; and the modelling of energy systems, which quantifies impacts. Flex4RES identified transition pathways to sustainable Nordic energy systems through the development of coherent regulatory frameworks and market designs that facilitate market interactions which are optimal for the Nordic-Baltic conditions in an EU context. Flex4RES will comprehensively discuss and disseminate the recommended pathways and market designs for achieving a future sustainable Nordic-Baltic energy solution with a variety of stakeholders from government, industry and civil society.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages120
ISBN (Print)978-87-93458-65-9
Publication statusPublished - 2019


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  • Flex4RES: Flexible Nordic Energy Systems

    Skytte, K. (Project Manager), Kitzing, L. (Project Participant), Karlsson, K. B. (Project Participant), Pizarro Alonso, A. R. (Project Participant), Balyk, O. (Project Participant), Bolwig, S. (Project Participant), Pade, L.-L. (Project Participant), Soysal, E. R. (Project Participant), Katz, J. (Project Participant), Olsen, O. J. (Project Participant), Bergaentzlé, C. M. (Project Participant), Sneum, D. M. (Project Participant), Vasileiou, T. (PhD Student), Ravn, H. V. (Project Participant), Boscán Flores, L. R. (Project Participant), Koivisto, M. J. (Project Participant), Sørensen, P. E. S. (Project Participant) & Jensen, I. G. (Project Participant)


    Project: Research

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