First light and reionization epoch simulations (FLARES) X iii: the lyman-continuum emission of high-redshift galaxies

Louise T.C. Seeyave*, Stephen M. Wilkins, Jussi K. Kuusisto, Christopher C. Lovell, Dimitrios Irodotou, Charlotte Simmonds, Aswin P. Vijayan, Peter A. Thomas, William J. Roper, Conor M. Byrne, Gareth T. Jones, Jack C. Turner, Christopher J. Conselice

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The history of reionization is highly dependent on the ionizing properties of high-redshift galaxies. It is therefore important to have a solid understanding of how the ionizing properties of galaxies are linked to physical and observable quantities. In this paper, we use the First Light and Reionization Epoch Simulations (Flares) to study the Lyman-continuum (LyC, i.e. hydrogen-ionizing) emission of massive (⁠M∗>108M⊙⁠) galaxies at redshifts z = 5 − 10. We find that the specific ionizing emissivity (i.e. intrinsic ionizing emissivity per unit stellar mass) decreases as stellar mass increases, due to the combined effects of increasing age and metallicity.
Original languageEnglish
JournalMonthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
Issue number2
Pages (from-to)2422-2440
Publication statusPublished - 2023


  • Dark ages, reionization, first stars
  • Galaxies: evolution
  • Galaxies: formation
  • Galaxies: high-redshift
  • Methods: numerical


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