First evidence of volcanic plume observed in a central Mediterranean marine observatory

Claudia Roberta Calidonna, Paolo Bonasoni , Maurizio Busetto , C. Cannata, Paolo Cristofanelli , R. De Rosa, P. Donato, Daniel Gullì , Tony Christian Landi, Angela Marinoni , Anna Maria Sempreviva

Research output: Contribution to journalConference articleResearchpeer-review

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Continuous measurements of PM10 and PM2.5, aerosol size distribution (for Dp ranging from 280 nm to 10 μm) and meteorological parameters are continuously performed since 1st August 2013 at the CNR-ISAC Climatic Observatory of Lamezia Terme (40°3N, 18°1E, 50 m a.s.l.), in the framework of the PON/ERDF I-AMICA Project. In this work, we present and discuss a special event which occurred on 19th November 2013, when a significant increase of PM10 (up to 75 μg m-3) was observed. During the night between 16th and 17th November, an explosive eruption occurred at Mt. Etna. The analysis of HYSPLIT, i.e. three-dimensional back-trajectories, ending in Lamezia together with MOLOCH (MOdelloLOCale in H coordinates) meteorological simulations suggested that the volcanic plume from Mt. Etna affected Lamezia Terme on 19th November. Moreover, for this case study, SEM-EDX analyses on PM10 filters revealed the presence of large abundances of sulphur minerals, further corroborating the possibility that the large PM10 value observed at the measurement sites could be tagged to the advection of volcanic ash.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)143-148
Publication statusPublished - 2014
Externally publishedYes
Event1st International Conference on Atmospheric Dust - Castellaneta Marina, Italy
Duration: 1 Jun 20146 Jun 2014
Conference number: 1


Conference1st International Conference on Atmospheric Dust
CityCastellaneta Marina
Internet address


  • PM10
  • Calabria
  • Mediterranean basin
  • Aerosol advection
  • Etna eruption


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