First combined report on the multi-technological and multi-disciplinary analysis of the 'broadband for all' concept

Morten Falch, Dan Saugstrup, Knud Erik Skouby, Reza Tadayoni, Henrik Lehrmann Christiansen, José Soler-Lucas, Lars Dittmann

    Research output: Book/ReportReportResearchpeer-review


    This report is the first deliverable of the FP-6 project "Broadband in Europe for all: a multi-disciplinary approach project (BREAD)”. It is a combined deliverable on the multi-technological and multi-disciplinary analysis of the “broadband for all” concept with focus on the ‘state of the art’ and ‘what’s happening now’. The major objective of This report is the first deliverable of the FP6-project “Broadband in Europe for all: a multi-disciplinary approach this deliverable is to identify and outline the most important areas in relation to the multi-technological and multi-disciplinary analysis of the “broadband for all” concept to be carried out as part of the project. The deliverable contains information on ongoing regional and national broadband initiatives in Europe and around the world. The information includes a description of state-of-the-art technologies in the different domains regarding “broadband for all” and a description concerning future trends and related issues, which will be investigated during the project. Further current broadband content and applications are described and analysed to determine future trends regarding usage of broadband applications and content. Finally a general description of the market developments within communication networks and in particular broadband networks and general regulatory aspects and the implications of these are described. These general descriptions are based on a number of country cases.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished - 2004
    SeriesBread Broadband for all


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