FeynCalc 10: Do multiloop integrals dream of computer codes?

Vladyslav Shtabovenko*, Rolf Mertig, Frederik Orellana

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In this work we report on a new version of FEYNCALC, a MATHEMATICA package widely used in the particle physics community for manipulating quantum field theoretical expressions and calculating Feynman diagrams. Highlights of the new version include greatly improved capabilities for doing multiloop calculations, including topology identification and minimization, optimized tensor reduction, rewriting of scalar products in terms of inverse denominators, detection of equivalent or scaleless loop integrals, derivation of Symanzik polynomials, Feynman parametric as well as graph representation for master integrals and initial support for handling differential equations and iterated integrals. In addition to that, the new release also features completely rewritten routines for color algebra simplifications, inclusion of symmetry relations between arguments of Passarino–Veltman functions, tools for determining matching coefficients and quantifying the agreement between numerical results, improved export to [Formula presented] and first steps towards a better support of calculations involving light-cone vectors.
Original languageEnglish
Article number109357
JournalComputer Physics Communications
Number of pages15
Publication statusPublished - 2025


  • High energy physics
  • Feynman diagrams
  • Loop integrals
  • Dimensional regularization
  • Renormalization
  • Dirac algebra
  • Passarino-Veltman
  • Cheng-Wu
  • Feynman integrals
  • Symanzik polynomials
  • Light-cone
  • Multiloop
  • Feyncalc


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