Fault Diagnosis for Satellite Sensors and Actuators using Nonlinear Geometric Approach and Adaptive Observers

P. Baldi*, Mogens Blanke, P. Castaldi, N. Mimmo, S. Simani

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    This paper presents a novel scheme for diagnosis of faults affecting sensors that measure the satellite attitude, body angular velocity, flywheel spin rates, and defects in control torques from reaction wheel motors. The proposed methodology uses adaptive observers to provide fault estimates that aid detection, isolation and estimation of possible actuator and sensor faults. The adaptive observers do not need a-priori information about fault internal models. A nonlinear geometric approach is used to avoid that aerodynamic disturbance torques have unwanted influence on the fault estimates. An augmented high fidelity spacecraft model is exploited during design and validation to replicate faults. This simulation model includes disturbance torques as experienced in low Earth orbits. The paper includes an analysis to assess robustness properties of the method with respect to parameter uncertainties and disturbances. The results document the efficacy of the suggested methodology.
    Original languageEnglish
    JournalInternational Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control
    Pages (from-to)5429–5455
    Publication statusPublished - 2018


    • Fault diagnosis
    • Nonlinear geometric approach
    • Adaptive observer
    • Structural Analysis
    • Actuators and sensors


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