Fault Analysis Method Considering Dual-Sequence Current Control of VSCs under Unbalanced Faults

Jundi Jia, Guangya Yang*, Arne Hejde Nielsen

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    Voltage source converters (VSCs) are able to provide both positive- and negative-sequence short circuit currents under unbalanced faults. Their short circuit responses can be significantly different from those of conventional synchronous generators. This paper developed a static fault analysis method by considering dual-sequence current control of VSCs under unbalanced faults where VSCs are treated as voltage-dependent current sources in both positive- and negative-sequence networks. Since the control strategy of VSCs varies, flexible parameters are included in the model to reflect their diverse short circuit behaviours. The proposed method is verified through a modified IEEE 9-bus system and a simplified western Danish power system with real time simulations. This analytical method can be used to help understand and evaluate the impact of dual-sequence current control of VSCs on future converter-dominated power systems.
    Original languageEnglish
    Article number1660
    Issue number7
    Number of pages17
    Publication statusPublished - 2018


    • Converter
    • Fault analysis
    • Grid codes
    • Short circuit current
    • Unbalanced faults


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