Fatigue Reliability under Multiple-Amplitude Loads

R. Talreja

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review


    A method to determine the fatigue of structures subjected to multiple-amplitude loads is presented. Unlike the more common cumulative damage methods, which are usually based on fatigue life data, the proposed method is based on tensile strength data. Assuming the Weibull distribution for the initial tensile strength and the fatigue life, the probability distributions for the residual tensile strength in both the crack initiation and the crack propagation stages of fatigue are determined. The method is illustrated for two-amplitude loads by means of experimental results obtained by testing specimens of a structural steel and is shown to be more accurate than the Palmgren-Miner cumulative damage method.
    Original languageEnglish
    JournalEngineering Fracture Mechanics
    Issue number4
    Pages (from-to)839-849
    Publication statusPublished - 1979


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