Fatigue damage observed non-destructively in fibre composite coupon test specimens by X-ray CT

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This study presents a method for monitoring the 3D fatigue damage progression on a micro-structural level in a glass fibre/polymer coupon test specimen by means of laboratory X-ray Computed Tomography (CT). A modified mount and holder made for the standard test samples to fit into the X-ray CT scanner along with a tension clamp solution is presented. Initially, the same location of the test specimen is inspected by ex-situ X-ray CT during the fatigue loading history, which shows the damage progression on a micro-structural level. The openings of individual uni-directional (UD) fibre fractures are seen to generally increase with the number of cycles, and new regions of UD fibre fractures also appear. There are some UD fibre fractures that are difficult to detect since their opening is small. Therefore, the effect of tension on the crack visibility is examined afterwards using a tension clamp solution. With applied tension some additional cracks become visible and the openings of fibre fractures increases, which shows the importance of applied tension during the scan.
Original languageEnglish
JournalI O P Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering
Number of pages9
Publication statusPublished - 2016
Event37th Risø International Symposium on Materials Science: Understanding performance of composite materials – mechanisms controlling properties - Risø Campus, Roskilde, Denmark
Duration: 5 Sept 20168 Sept 2016


Conference37th Risø International Symposium on Materials Science
LocationRisø Campus


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