Fast decoding of codes from algebraic plane curves

Jørn Justesen, Knud J. Larsen, Helge Elbrønd Jensen, Tom Høholdt

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    Improvement to an earlier decoding algorithm for codes from algebraic geometry is presented. For codes from an arbitrary regular plane curve the authors correct up to d*/2-m2 /8+m/4-9/8 errors, where d* is the designed distance of the code and m is the degree of the curve. The complexity of finding the error locator is O(n7/3 ), where n is the length of the code. For codes from Hermitian curves the complexity of finding the error values, given the error locator, is O(n2), and the same complexity can be obtained in the general case if only d*/2-m2/2 errors are corrected
    Original languageEnglish
    JournalI E E E Transactions on Information Theory
    Issue number1
    Pages (from-to)111-119
    Publication statusPublished - 1992

    Bibliographical note

    Copyright: 1992 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or to reuse any copyrighted component of this work in other works must be obtained from the IEEE


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