False-positive result when a diphenylcarbazide spot test is used on trivalent chromium-passivated zinc surfaces

Valeriia Reveko*, Felix Lampert, Rameez Ud Din, Jacob P. Thyssen, Per Møller

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    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review


    A colorimetric 1,5-diphenylcarbazide (DPC)-based spot test can be used to identify hexavalent chromium on various metallic and leather surfaces. DPC testing on trivalent chromium-passivated zinc surfaces has unexpectedly given positive results in some cases, apparently indicating the presence of hexavalent chromium; however, the presence of hexavalent chromium has never been confirmed with more sensitive and accurate test methods.

    To examine the presence of hexavalent chromium on trivalent chromium-passivated zinc surfaces with a DPC-based spot test.

    A colorimetric DPC spot test was used for the initial detection of hexavalent chromium on new and 1-year-aged trivalent chromium-passivated zinc surfaces. Then, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) was performed for all samples.

    The DPC spot test indicated the presence of hexavalent chromium in aged, but not new, trivalent chromium passivation on zinc; however, subsequent analysis by XPS could not confirm the presence of chromium in a hexavalent state.

    Unintended oxidation of DPC induced by atmospheric corrosion is suggested as a possible reason for the false-positive reaction of the DPC test on a trivalent chromium-passivated zinc surface. Further validation of the use of the DPC test for chromium-containing metallic surfaces is required.
    Original languageEnglish
    JournalContact Dermatitis
    Issue number5
    Pages (from-to)315-320
    Publication statusPublished - 2018


    • Contact allergy
    • DPC spot test
    • EU regulation
    • False-positive result
    • Hexavalent chromium
    • Trivalent chromium passivation of zinc


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