Fabrication, testing and analysis of steel/composite DLS adhesive joints

S. Nashim (Invited author), J. Nisar (Invited author), N. Tsouvalis (Invited author), Konstantinos N. Anyfantis (Invited author), P. Moore (Invited author), I. Chirca (Invited author), Christian Berggreen (Invited author), A. Orsolini (Invited author), Amilcar Quispitupa (Invited author), D. McGeorge (Invited author), B. Hayman (Invited author), S. Boyd (Invited author), K. Misirlis (Invited author), J. Downes (Invited author), R. Dow (Invited author), E. Juin (Invited author)

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingArticle in proceedingsResearchpeer-review


    This paper aims to provide a guide on the design and fabrication of thick adherend double lap shear joints (DLS), often referred to as butt connections/joints in ship structures including patch repair. The specimens consist of 10mm steel inner adherend and various outer adherend materials including 0/90 WR GFRP and 0/90 UD CFRP laminates and steel. The focus here is on CFRP/steel joint due to availability of test data. The thickness of the outer adherend varies from 3 mm to 6 mm. Shear overlaps of 25-200mm were considered. The overall objectives are (i) to assess the quality of the standard fabrication method, (ii) to determine joint strength and overlap plateau for various specimens with a range of material combinations and (iii) to understand aspects of failure and design of joint under quasi-static loading. The paper presents experimental and numerical details with key conclusions.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationAnalysis and Design of Marine Structures
    Publication date2009
    ISBN (Print)978-0-415-54934-9
    Publication statusPublished - 2009
    Event2nd International Conference on Marine Structures - Analysis and Design of Marine Structures - Lisbon, Portugal
    Duration: 16 Mar 200918 Mar 2009
    Conference number: 2


    Conference2nd International Conference on Marine Structures - Analysis and Design of Marine Structures


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