Fabrication of Large Area Broadband and Omnidirectional Antireflective Transparent Foils by Roll-to-Roll Extrusion Coating

Swathi Murthy, Mikkel Rønne Lotz, Nikolaj Agentoft Feidenhans'l, Morten H. Madsen, Henrik Chresten Pedersen, Henrik Pranov, Rafael J. Taboryski

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    This study investigates the fabrication and performance of broadband and omnidirectional antireflective polymer foils, in the visible spectrum (400–800 nm), consisting of subwavelength inverted moth-eye structures. The foils are fabricated by a high throughput roll-to-roll extrusion coating process allowing structuring on both sides at a rate of 60 m min−1, with web width 45 cm. The highest average transmittance obtained in the visible spectrum is (98 ± 1) %; compared with (92 ± 1) % for the unstructured foil. The antireflective foil shows no significant difference in transmittance between normal incidence and incidence up to at least 60°. The foil performance is also investigated for different depths (Dp) and shapes of structures. The transmittance initially increases with Dp and reaches a maximum at Dp ≈ 120 nm. For process parameters yielding greater depths, other shape factors also play a critical role in the foil's antireflective properties.
    Original languageEnglish
    Article number1700027
    JournalMacromolecular Materials & Engineering
    Number of pages7
    Publication statusPublished - 2017


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