Extraction of optical scattering parameters and attenuation compensation in optical coherence tomography images of multi-layered tissue structures

Lars Thrane, Michael Henoch Frosz, Andreas Tycho, Thomas M. Jørgensen, Harold T. Yura, Peter E. Andersen

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review


    A recently developed analytical optical coherence tomography (OCT) model [Thrane et al., J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 17, 484 (2000)] allows the extraction of optical scattering parameters from OCT images, thereby permitting attenuation compensation in those images. By expanding this theoretical model, we have developed a new method for extracting optical scattering parameters from multilayered tissue structures in vivo. To verify this, we used a Monte Carlo (MC) OCT model as a numerical phantom to simulate the OCT signal for het-erogeneous multilayered tissue. Excellent agreement between the extracted values of the optical scattering properties of the different layers and the corresponding input reference values of the MC simulation was obtained, which demonstrates the feasibility of the method for in vivo applications. This is to our knowledge the first time such verification has been obtained, and the results hold promise for expanding the functional imaging capabilities of OCT.
    Original languageEnglish
    JournalOptics Letters
    Issue number14
    Pages (from-to)1641-1643
    Publication statusPublished - 2004


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