Extension of apparent devolatilization kinetics from thermally thin to thermally thick particles in zero dimensions for woody biomass

Joakim M. Johansen, Peter A. Jensen, Peter Glarborg, Marco Mancini, Roman Weber, Reginald E. Mitchell

Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review


This work aims to provide an accurate and simple model, predicting the time dependent devolatilization of woody biomass at conditions (Tgas<2000 K) and particle sizes (<2 mm) relevant to suspension fired boilers. The zero dimensional model is developed from reference calculations with a one-dimensional heat transport model coupled with a drying and a devolatilization model. The model output has been used to generate pyrolysis kinetics corrected for non-isothermal effects, i.e. intraparticle heat transport limitations. Analysis of the modeling results indicate that heat transport corrections of even small par-ticles are necessary. The current work divides a given particle size distribution into suitable size cate-gories based on their internal heat transport properties. The devolatilization is described by size category specific rate constants based on a single first order reaction mechanism. This approach allows for significantly more accurate devolatilization predictions of any particle size distribution to be described by simple kinetic mechanisms and isothermal particle heat balances. Such an approach is easily implemented into most commercial CFD (computationalfluid dynamics) codes without adding any additional strain to the computational requirements
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)279-290
Publication statusPublished - 2016


  • Devolatilization kinetics
  • Pyrolysis
  • Biomass
  • Computational fluid dynamics (CFD)
  • Non-isothermal
  • High heating rate


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