Exploring the environmental transmission electron microscope

Jakob B. Wagner, Filippo Cavalca, Christian D. Damsgaard, Linus D.L. Duchstein, Thomas W. Hansen, Peter A. Crozier Renu Sharma

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The increasing interest and development in the field of in situ techniques have now reached a level where the idea of performing measurements under near realistic conditions has become feasible for transmission electron microscopy (TEM) while maintaining high spatial resolution.In this paper, some of the opportunities that the environmental TEM (ETEM) offers when combined with other in situ techniques will be explored, directly in the microscope, by combining electron-based and photon-based techniques and phenomena. In addition, application of adjacent setups using sophisticated transfer methods for transferring the specimen between specialized in situ equipment without compromising the concept of in situ measurements will be exploited. The opportunities and techniques are illustrated by studies of materials systems of Au/MgO and Cu2O in different gaseous environments.
Original languageEnglish
Issue number11
Pages (from-to)1169-1175
Publication statusPublished - 2012


  • In situ environmental TEM


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