Exploring simultaneous assessment of cortical and subcortical entrainment to ongoing speech

Florine Lena Bachmann, Jens Hjortkjær, Ewen MacDonald

Research output: Contribution to conferencePosterResearchpeer-review


Brainstem responses to auditory stimuli are an important clinical diagnostic tool in patients where conventional hearing tests might not be applicable. Moreover, comparing subcortical responses with cortical measures provide crucial insights into processing along the auditory pathway, and changes thereof with hearing loss and aging. Generally, this interplay has been investigated using different stimuli for the two processing stages. Cortical activity is often assessed with ongoing speech, while brainstem responses are traditionally investigated with repetitions of simple stimuli such as clicks. However, recent research has shown that subcortical responses can also be measured using ongoing speech stimuli. This suggests that it should be possible to simultaneously observe responses at both subcortical and cortical levels to the same ongoing speech stimuli. The present study explores this possibility.
Original languageEnglish
Publication date2019
Publication statusPublished - 2019
EventFifth International Conference on Cognitive Hearing Science for Communication - Linkoping, Linköbing, Sweden
Duration: 9 Jun 201912 Jun 2019
Conference number: 5


ConferenceFifth International Conference on Cognitive Hearing Science for Communication


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