Exploiting new biorefinery models using non-conventional yeasts and their implications for sustainability

Celina Kiyomi Yamakawa, Laura Kastell, Mikkel R. Mahler, José L. Martinez, Solange I. Mussatto*

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Feasible bioprocessing of lignocellulosic biomass requires the use of microbial strains with tolerance to inhibitor compounds and osmotic pressure, able to provide high product yield and productivity. In this sense, this study evaluated the potential of two non-conventional yeasts, Hansenula polymorpha CBS 4732 and Debaryomyces hansenii CBS 767, for use on biomass conversion in a biorefinery perspective. The ability of the strains to consume pentose and hexose sugars, to resist the toxic compounds present in hydrolysates, as well as to produce sugar alcohols and ethanol, was investigated. H. polymorpha showed highlighted resistance to toxic compounds and relevant ability to consume xylose and produce xylitol and ethanol under these conditions, at 37 °C. D. hansenii was a great producer of arabitol from glucose. The implications for sustainability due to the use of these yeasts in biorefineries was discussed. These results open up new perspectives for the development of the biorefinery sector.
Original languageEnglish
Article number123374
JournalBioresource Technology
Number of pages9
Publication statusPublished - 2020


  • Non-conventional yeasts
  • Biorefinery
  • Hydrolysate
  • Inhibitors
  • Sustainability


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