title = "Experiments on data presentation to process operators in diagnostic tasks",
abstract = "Safety and reliability considerations in modern power plants have prompted our interest in man as an information receiver - especially in diagnostic tasks where the growing complexity of process plants and hence the amount of data involved make it imperative to give the staff proper support. The great flexibility and capacity of the process computer for data reduction and presentation and for storing information on plant structure and functions give the system designer great freedom in the layout of information display for the staff, but the problem for the designer is how to make proper use of this freedom to support the operators efficiently. This is especially important in connection with unique, high-risk, and generally improbable abnormalities in plant functioning. Operator tasks and mental models and the need for matching the encoded information about the plant to these models are treated. Mention is made of scant information available to the designer and the difficulty involved in per forming experiments in a realistic environment. Results from the use of verbalization techniques in an electronics maintenance shop in order to gain insight in the structure of mental procedures are described, and the paper concludes with a discussion of experimental work in display coding and for matting being carried out at the DR 2 reactor.",
keywords = "Ris{\o}-R-256, Ris{\o}-256, Ris{\o} report 256",
author = "Jens Rasmussen and Goodstein, {L. P.}",
year = "1972",
language = "English",
series = "Denmark. Forskningscenter Risoe. Risoe-R",
number = "256",
pages = "69--84",
booktitle = "Aspects of Research at Ris{\o}",