Experimental and Theoretical Study of an Actively Lubricated LEG Tilting Pad Bearing

Alejandro Cerda Varela*, Ilmar Santos, Jorge González Salazar, Cristóbal Ponce Salazar

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    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingArticle in proceedingsResearchpeer-review

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    This work presents theoretical and experimental results regarding the feasibility of introducing an active lubri-cation concept in tilting pad journal bearings (TPJBs) featuring the leading edge groove (LEG) lubrication system. The modification of the oil flow into each pad supply groove by means of servovalves renders the bearing active, due to the resulting alteration of the oil film pressure field. Experimental results obtained in a suitable test rig enables verification of the concept feasibility at the component level, considering a single tilting pad, load on pad configuration, supporting a rigid rotor. Secondly, theoretical results portray the application of this technology in a 5-pad, load between pad LEG TPJB, aimed at performing active control of vibrations in a flexible rotor setup. The proposed technology exhibits benefits in terms of the ability to excite system dynamics to perform in-situ identification experiments, as well as to reduce the rotor vibration amplitude.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationProceedings of 13th SIRM: The 13th International Conference on Dynamics of Rotating Machinery
    Place of PublicationKgs. Lyngby
    PublisherTechnical University of Denmark
    Publication date2019
    ISBN (Electronic)978-87-7475-568-5
    Publication statusPublished - 2019
    Event13th International Conference on Dynamics of Rotating Machinery - Technical University of Denmark, Copenhagen, Denmark
    Duration: 13 Feb 201915 Feb 2019
    Conference number: 13


    Conference13th International Conference on Dynamics of Rotating Machinery
    LocationTechnical University of Denmark


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