Experimental and modelling study on char combustion and gasification at high temperature in a single particle combustor

Hao Luo*, Zhimin Lu, Peter Arendt Jensen, Peter Glarborg, Weigang Lin, Kim Dam-Johansen, Hao Wu

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Denmark is making an effort to create an energy system without dependent on fossile ernergy (e.g. coal) in 2050, and biomass is promoted as an alternative to fossil fuels. In a pulverized biomass combustor, char oxidation and char gasification with H2O and CO2 may occur simultaneously [1]. It was found that the heterogeneous char reactions and the CO oxidation in the particle boundary layer influenced significantly the conversion time of coal char particles [2,3]. However, the effect of these reactions on the conversion of millimeter-sized biomass char particles under pulverized fuel combustion conditions has not been studied systematically through experiments and modelling.
The present work aims at developing and validating a comprehensive progressive char conversion model for biomass char under pulverized fuel combustor conditions. Experiments of spherical wood char particles were conducted in a single particle combustor under different temperature and gas atmosphere conditions.
Original languageEnglish
Publication date2019
Publication statusPublished - 2019
EventNordic Flame Days 2019 - Turku, Finland
Duration: 28 Aug 201929 Aug 2019


ConferenceNordic Flame Days 2019


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