Examining the Consistency of Sea Surface Temperature and Sea Ice Concentration in Arctic Satellite Products

Sandra L. Castro*, Gary A. Wick, Steinar Eastwood, Michael A. Steele, Rasmus T. Tonboe

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Available observations and a theoretical simulation are used to explore the consistency and relationship between sea surface temperature (SST) and sea ice concentration (SIC) within open-ocean-sea ice mixed satellite pixels as a function of grid resolution. The maximum limiting SST value for a specified SIC and spatial resolution is first examined within collocated satellite-derived products contained within existing Level 4 SST analyses distributed using the data specification from the Group for High Resolution Sea Surface Temperature. The shape of the interdependence is further validated with manually quality-controlled buoy SST and SIC collocations. A parametric equation for the limiting SST value is derived from simulations of a mixed ocean/ice pixel with specified ice fraction and a linear SST gradient extending away from the ice edge. The exponential curve matching the observed interdependence suggests a maximum 5 km pixel-averaged SST at SIC values approaching zero between 6 and 8 °C. This maximum value is significantly greater than the previously assumed limiting values of ~3 °C and the corresponding SST gradient is larger than those typically observed with satellite SST products, but agrees well with recent Saildrone SST observations near ice. The curve provides a conservative limit with which inconsistent SST/SIC pairings can be identified, not only near the ice edge but at intermediate ice concentrations. Application of the filter improves the agreement between the SST/SIC relationship in satellite products and available Saildrone observations as well as the internal consistency of the different satellite products.
Original languageEnglish
Article number2908
JournalRemote Sensing
Issue number11
Number of pages46
Publication statusPublished - 2023


  • SST/SIC consistency for modeling
  • Freezing–melting balance
  • Near-ice mixed pixel
  • SIC post-processing filter
  • Arctic L4 SST performance


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