Evolution of Microstructure and Texture during Annealing of Aluminum AA1050 Cold Rolled to High and Ultrahigh Strains

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review


    The microstructure and texture of commercial purity aluminum (AA1050) have been investigated after cold rolling to von Mises strains of 3.6 to 6.4 followed by recovery and recrystallization during annealing. The evolution of structural parameters of the deformed microstructure, such as boundary spacing and fraction of high-angle boundaries (HABs), did not reach saturation in the given strain range. Recovery was accompanied by structural coarsening and by a decrease in the fraction of HABs. The coarsening rate increased with increasing strain prior to annealing. Recrystallization nuclei were found to form both in deformation zones around coarse particles and in recovered lamellar structures. The process of recrystallization in the present material can thus be characterized as discontinuous recrystallization. In recrystallized conditions, the average grain size was related to the grain orientation: the mean size of grains having orientations of the rolling texture was smaller than the size of grains with other orientations. The orientation dependence of the recrystallized grain size was more pronounced in the samples rolled to ultrahigh strains. © 2010 The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society and ASM International.
    Original languageEnglish
    JournalMetallurgical and Materials Transactions A: Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science
    Issue number11
    Pages (from-to)2936-2948
    Publication statusPublished - 2010


    • Materials and energy storage
    • Light strong materials for energy purposes


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