Evaluation of tribosystems for sheet metal forming

Marcel Moghadam, Esmeray Üstünyagiz, Chris Valentin Nielsen*

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    Research output: Contribution to conferenceConference abstract for conferenceResearchpeer-review

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    Focus on phasing out environmentally hazardous lubricants has led to extensive experimental testing of tribosystems. Multi‐stroke testing is used to evaluate resistance towards lubricant film breakdown. The presentation includes industrial examples of evaluation for deep drawing and ironing based on the simulative tests: bending under tension, strip reduction and drawbead testing. Production conditions are determined by physical measurements and numerical simulations and replicated in laboratory testing. Lubricant film breakdown is evaluated based on measured forces, torque, roughness and visual inspection of tool surfaces. Parameter studies in the laboratory are used to give feedback to the production for improvement of tool life or replacement of the tribosystem. The presentation also includes results for severing processes, where four‐ball testing and high‐temperature pin‐on‐disc testing are used to evaluate
    the lubricant ability to bond to the tool and workpiece surfaces. The temperature range at which the lubricant additives are activated is revealed for each lubricant, and a clear distinction of the performance of the different lubricants for a specific punching process is made by comparing the process temperature to the temperature range of activated additives.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication date2019
    Number of pages1
    Publication statusPublished - 2019
    EventTechtank Conference - Olofström, Sweden
    Duration: 28 Nov 201928 Nov 2019


    ConferenceTechtank Conference


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