Evaluation of the renovation of a Danish single-family house based on measurements

Matilde Grøn Bjørneboe, Svend Svendsen, Alfred Heller

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

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    Building renovation is too often carried out with only one objective: necessary maintenance, updating design and functions, or reducing energy consumption. But, if a necessary maintenance is exploited as an opportunity for renovation, energy improvements can be implemented, house functions can be updated, and indoor climate improved with minimal nuisance and expense. This paper illustrates this approach by documenting the renovation of a single-family house in Denmark, and monitoring its energy consumption and indoor climate before and after the renovation. Building elements were replaced where necessary, and the total energy consumption was reduced by 23%, giving the house owners a saving of about DKK 8400 per year. The energy consumption for heating was reduced by 53%, close to the 58% found using dynamic simulations. The temperatures reached a more comfortable level, and the house owners were satisfied with the result. The increased value of the house was estimated to cover about 77% of the investment.
    Original languageEnglish
    JournalEnergy and Buildings
    Publication statusPublished - 2017


    • Measurement and verification
    • Simulation
    • Energy renovation
    • Detached single-family house


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