Evaluation of photovoltaic storage systems on energy markets under uncertainty using stochastic dynamic programming

Dogan Keles*, Joris Dehler-Holland

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The rising share of intermittent renewable energy production in energy systems increasingly poses a threat to system stability and the price level in energy markets. However, the effects of renewable energy production onto electricity markets also give rise to new business opportunities. The expected increase in price differences increases the market potential for storage applications and combinations with renewable energy production. The value of storage depends critically on the operation of the storage system. In this study, we evaluate large-scale photovoltaic (PV) storage systems under uncertainty, as renewable energy production and electricity prices are fundamentally uncertain. In comparison to households who largely consume the stored energy themselves, the major business case for large-scale PV and storage systems is arbitrage trading on the electricity markets. The operation problem is formulated as a Markov decision process (MDP). Uncertainties of renewable energy production are integrated into an electricity price model using ARIMA-type approaches and regime switching. Due to non-stationarity and heteroskedasticity of the underlying processes, an appropriate stochastic modeling procedure is developed. The MDP is solved using stochastic dynamic programming (SDP) and recombining trees (RT) to reduce complexity taking into account the different time scales in which decisions have to be taken. We evaluate the solution of the SDP problem against Monte Carlo simulations with perfect foresight and against a storage dispatch heuristic. The program is applied to the German electricity and reserve power market to show the potential increase in storage value with higher price spreads, and evaluate a possible imposition of the feed-in levy onto energy directly stored from the common grid.
Original languageEnglish
Article number105800
JournalEnergy Economics
Number of pages17
Publication statusPublished - 2022


  • PV storage
  • Energy markets
  • Markov decision process
  • ARMA process
  • Stochastic dynamic programming


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