Evaluation of an improved micro milling strategy for the generation of tool steel micro features with optical functionality

D. Li, A. Davoudinejad, Y. Zhang, G. Tosello

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    This paper discusses a new micro milling strategy for manufacturing optical functionality on steel. The micro-structures, a combination of arrays of micro-ridges, has been developed to achieve the function. The function is to maximize the contrast of the reflected light from orthogonally patterned features. The burr formation and insufficient material removal, influenced by the tool wear and the machine accuracy, were the main challenges in this process. The cutting strategy was investigated in order to reduce the burr formation during the process. By the new strategy, the ridge machining order was reversed. The evaluation of the feature geometries proved that new strategy could improve the feature quality. The ultimate goal was to improve the surface functionality.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication date2018
    Number of pages5
    Publication statusPublished - 2018
    Event2018 World Congress on Micro and Nano Manufacturing (WCMNM2018) - Remisens Hotel Metropol, Portorož, Slovenia
    Duration: 18 Sept 201820 Sept 2018


    Conference2018 World Congress on Micro and Nano Manufacturing (WCMNM2018)
    LocationRemisens Hotel Metropol


    • Functional surfaces
    • Micro structures
    • Micro milling strategy


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