Evaluation of an actuated force plate-based robotic test setup to assess the slip resistance of footwear

Lasse Jakobsen*, Filip Gertz Lysdal, Timo Bagehorn, Uwe G. Kersting, Ion Marius Sivebaek

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    Slipping is a frequent cause of occupational accidents. This is often due to an insufficient available coefficient of friction (ACOF) of footwear. The aim of this study was to present a footwear ACOF test setup, and to evaluate it based on device requirements presented in the ISO 13287 test standard. One left Airtox TX2 shoe underwent slip resistance measurements under three test modes (Forward flat slip, backward slip on the forefoot at angled contact and forward heel slip at angled contact), with six contaminant conditions (dry steel, dry tile, glycerine on steel, glycerine on tile, canola oil on steel and canola oil on tile). The test setup was successfully able to measure ACOF in close accordance to the ISO 13287 test standard with a good repeatability. Furthermore, the test setup can alter biomechanical and tribophysical testing conditions, which may provide more valid footwear ACOF measurements in the future.

    Relevance to industry

    The setup can accommodate biomechanical and tribophysical testing conditions, hence the setup can be a tool for accessing more valid ACOF measurements - closer to real world slip events. Footwear manufactures or researchers, with the goal of improving footwear slip resistance, can implement the setup.
    Original languageEnglish
    Article number103253
    JournalInternational Journal of Industrial Ergonomics
    Number of pages7
    Publication statusPublished - 2022


    • Friction
    • Traction
    • Footwear
    • Slipping
    • Testing


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