EUROPRACTICE Training and Best Practice Service

Ole Olesen

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingArticle in proceedingsResearch


    EUROPRACTICE TBPS has been around for one and a half year.TBPS has presented more than 400 new microelectronics courses in different ways. An international conference EMAC organized by TBPS has been held in Barcelona in May 1997.This paper will focus on some of the new ideas coming from TBPS.Among those should be mentioned intelligent use of internet, multimedia training and RF high speed low power training.TBPS is primarily a course broker negotiating with more than 45 course vendors to get highly qualified courses at different levels and at moderate prices in the 5 key microelectronics areas.The start of TBPS was based on a public call, and the courses which you can see on our Web and in our course catalogues distributed in 1.000 copies all over Europe, they have been selected among the best available. TBPS is the largest course organizer in Europe and intend to be the best.Now new courses have been organized to fill the gap, and information about the courses is distributed in different ways.Intelligent use of internet and multimedia technology promotes micro-electronics training in a very effective way.This is the most effective way to promote the large number of courses.EUROPRACTICE distributed its short form course catalogue in 11.000 copies. The short form course catalogue is meant as a quick reference.Due to the large number of customers it is financially impossible to distribute full course programs or complete course catalogue, but all information is available on the Web.As a fist step the Web service has been expanded and made user-friendly with effective search mechanisms. The criteria are e.g. level, topic, place, language, and price.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationEUROPRACTICE Training and Best Practice Service
    Publication date1997
    Publication statusPublished - 1997
    EventEuropean Microelectronics Application Conference - Barcelona, Spain
    Duration: 28 May 199730 May 1997


    ConferenceEuropean Microelectronics Application Conference

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