Estimation of by catch in the commercial fishery for Greenland halibut at West Greenland based on survey data

Ole A. Jørgensen

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The by catch in the commercial fishery for Greenland halibut in NAFO Div. 1CD was estimated based on information from ground fish surveys conducted by Greenland Institute of Natural Resources in the same area as the commercial fishery. The survey is conducted with a trawl with 30 mm in the cod end while the
minimum mesh size in the cod end in the commercial trawls is 140 mm and the survey catches are converted to potential commercial by catches. The conversion is based on a number of assumptions and the results should be considered as indicative. The total by-catch in weight is estimated to be 13% of the total catch of Greenland halibut. Macrourus berglax is the most abundant by catch species and constituted 3.2% of the weight of Greenland halibut followed by Antiomora rostrata (2.7%), Alepocephalus agassizzi (2.0%) and Hydrolagus affinis (1.2%). None of the remaining species constituted more than 1% of the weight of the
Greenland halibut catches. The impact of the fishery for Greenland halibut in Div. 1CD on the stocks of the bycatch species seems, however, to be limited. The by-catch in Div. 0B is at the same level as in Div. 1CD.
Original languageEnglish
Publication date2016
Number of pages8
Publication statusPublished - 2016
EventNAFO 38th Annual Meeting - Varadero, Cuba
Duration: 19 Sept 201623 Sept 2016


ConferenceNAFO 38th Annual Meeting

Bibliographical note

NAFO SCR Doc. 16/005. N6541


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