Epsilon-Near-Zero Grids for On-chip Quantum Networks

Larissa Vertchenko*, Nika Akopian, Andrei V. Lavrinenko

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    Realization of an on-chip quantum network is a major goal in the field of integrated quantum photonics. A typical network scalable on-chip demands optical integration of single photon sources, optical circuitry and detectors for routing and processing of quantum information. Current solutions either notoriously experience considerable decoherence or suffer from extended footprint dimensions limiting their on-chip scaling. Here we propose and numerically demonstrate a robust on-chip network based on an epsilon-near-zero (ENZ) material, whose dielectric function has the real part close to zero. We show that ENZ materials strongly protect quantum information against decoherence and losses during its propagation in the dense network. As an example, we model a feasible implementation of an ENZ network and demonstrate that information can be reliably sent across a titanium nitride grid with a coherence length of 434 nm, operating at room temperature, which is more than 40 times larger than state-of-the-art plasmonic analogs. Our results facilitate practical realization of large multi-node quantum photonic networks and circuits on-a-chip.

    Original languageEnglish
    Article number6053
    JournalScientific Reports
    Issue number1
    Number of pages7
    Publication statusPublished - 1 Dec 2019


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