Enzyme-assisted extraction of antioxidative phenols from black current juice press residues (Ribes nigrum)

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    Enzymatic release of phenolic compounds from pomace remaining from black currant (Ribes nigrum) juice production was examined. Treatment with each of the commercial pectinolytic enzyme preparations Grindamyl pectinase, Macer8 FJ, Macer8 R, and Pectinex BE, as well as treatment with Novozym 89 protease, significantly increased plant cell wall breakdown of the pomace. Each of the tested enzyme preparations except Grindamyl pectinase also significantly enhanced the amount of phenols extracted from the pomace. Macer8 FJ and Macer8 R decreased the extraction yields of anthocyanins, whereas Pectinex BE and Novozym 89 protease showed no effect. A decrease in pomace particle sizes from 500-1000 mum to <125 mum increased the phenol yields 1.6-5 times. Black currant pomace devoid of seeds gave significantly higher yields of phenols than pomace with seeds and seedless wine pomace. Four selected black currant pomace extracts all exerted a pronounced antioxidant activity against human LDL oxidation in vitro when tested at equimolar phenol concentrations of 7.5-10 muM.
    Original languageEnglish
    JournalJournal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry
    Issue number7
    Pages (from-to)3169-3177
    Publication statusPublished - 2001


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