Enzyme activity assay system and devices

Stjepan Kracun (Inventor), Julia Schückel (Inventor), William George Tycho Willats (Inventor), Mads Hartvig Clausen (Inventor)

Research output: Patent

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The invention relates to an enzyme activity device suitably for determination of biopolymer enzyme degrading activity in a liquid sample, said enzyme activity device comprising a biopolymer substrate and a solid support structure supporting said biopolymer substrate wherein said biopolymer substrate comprises a dyed and water insoluble xerogel comprising a network of cross-linked biopolymers. The invention also relates to an enzyme activity assay and a method of determining enzyme activity of a sample.
Original languageEnglish
IPCB01L3/00; C12Q1/00
Patent numberUS2018133712
Filing date17/05/2018
Country/TerritoryUnited States
Priority date26/05/2016
Priority numberDK2015PA70311
Publication statusPublished - 2018

Bibliographical note

Also published as: EP3303608 (A1) WO2016188533 (A1)


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