Environmental Radioactivity in Denmark in 1987

A. Aarkrog, L. Bøtter-Jensen, Q.J. Chen, H. Dahlgaard, H. Hansen, E. Holm, B. Lauridsen, Sven Poul Nielsen, J. Søgaard-Hansen

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    Strontium-90, radiocesium, and other radionuclides were determined in samples from all over the country of air, precipitation, stream water, lake water, ground water, drinking water, sea water, soil, sediments, dried milk, fresh milk, meat, fish, cheese, eggs, grain, bread, potatoes, vegetables, fruit, grass, moss, lichen, sea plants, total diet, and humans. Estimates are given of the mean contents of radiostrontium and radiocesium in the human diet in Denmark during 1987. Tritium was determined in precipitation, ground water, other fresh waters, and sea water. The y-background was measured regularly by TLD, ionization chamber, and on site y-spectroscopy at locations around Risø, at ten of the State experimental farms, along the coasts of the Great Belt and around Gylling Nats. The marine environments at Barseback and Ringhals were monitored for
    137Cs and corrosion products (58Co, 60CO, 65Zn, 54Mn).

    The expanded programme initiated after the Cernobyl accident in 1986 was
    carried on in 1987 with minor reductions.
    Original languageEnglish
    Place of PublicationRoskilde
    PublisherRisø National Laboratory
    Number of pages142
    ISBN (Print)87-550-1532-8
    Publication statusPublished - 1989
    SeriesDenmark. Forskningscenter Risoe. Risoe-R


    • Risø-R-563
    • Risø-R-563(EN)


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