Enhanced technical and economic working domains of industrial heat pumps operated in series

Torben Ommen, Jonas Kjær Jensen, Wiebke Brix Markussen, Brian Elmegaard

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingArticle in proceedingsResearchpeer-review

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    By operating heat pumps (HPs) in series, it is possible to obtain closer match between working fluid and sink- and source streams, resulting in higher coefficient of performance (COP). For industrial HPs, it was found that serial connection of either two or three units results in an increase in COP and a decrease in net present value (NPV), due to the effects of economy of scale. However, connecting HPs in series may reduce the discharge temperature, which is of particular interest when assessing R717 HPs. Another possibility from serial connection is to mix different types of HP units, in order obtain specific characteristics. The technical and economical working domains were calculated for two serial connections. Both configurations result in an increased working domain for the investigated dual unit serial connections.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationProceedings of the 24th IIR International Congress of Refrigeration
    Number of pages4
    PublisherInternational Institute of Refrigeration
    Publication date2015
    Article numberID:295
    Publication statusPublished - 2015
    Event24th IIR International Congress of Refrigeration: Improving Quality of Life, Preserving the Earth - Yokohama, Japan
    Duration: 16 Aug 201522 Aug 2015
    Conference number: 24


    Conference24th IIR International Congress of Refrigeration


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