Enhanced damage tolerance of composite materials by multiple delaminations

Daan Jonas Hottentot Cederløf*

*Corresponding author for this work

    Research output: Book/ReportPh.D. thesis

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    Delamination is a common damage mechanism in composite structures such as wind turbine blades and bridges. Growth of delamination cracks can lead to failure of the composite component and possibly the structure it is a part of. Naturally, delamination damage is unwanted and avoided where possible. However, it is inevitable in large composite structures that delaminations occur and propagate. Instead of trying to avoid delaminations altogether, they should rather be accepted and controlled such that delamination growth is stable or arrested. Enhancing the fracture resistance of a composite system is a method for reducing delamination growth, and could possibly even stop the delamination altogether. In this work, a method for enhancing fracture resistance by means of introducing multiple parallel delaminations is presented. By the use of plasma fluorination to introduce a controlled weak layer close to where a primary delamination is expected, a secondary delamination crack is induced. Both crack interfaces demonstrate large amounts of fibre bridging, a toughening mechanism that increases the resistance to delamination. It is demonstrated experimentally that in cases where a secondary delamination crack forms, the apparent fracture resistance of the whole laminate increases approximately by a factor of two
    Original languageEnglish
    Place of PublicationRisø, Roskilde, Denmark
    PublisherDTU Wind Energy
    Number of pages144
    Publication statusPublished - 2022


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    • Damage Tolerant Composite Materials for Wind Turbine Blades

      Cederløf, D. J. H. (PhD Student), Gamstedt, K. (Examiner), Almdal, K. (Examiner), Sørensen, B. F. (Main Supervisor), Kusano, Y. (Supervisor), McGugan, M. (Supervisor), Goutianos, S. (Supervisor) & Jørgensen, J. B. (Examiner)


      Project: PhD

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