Engineering education - out of the Male Reserve!

Maria Hørby, Linda Madsen, Mona Dahms

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingArticle in proceedingsResearchpeer-review

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In Denmark the discourse on women in engineering and accompanying efforts to attract and recruit more young women to engineering has occurred in waves, the first wave arising in the early 80s and the latest starting around the mid 00s. The impacts of different activities are described. Recently, the discourse on women in engineering has taken a new turn, linking women in engineering with advantages of diversity and innovation. Another advantage of focusing on recruiting women is that the pool of potential engineering students is broadened. Center for Engineering Education Research and Development in Denmark (Dansk Center for Ingeniøruddannelse, DACIN) has initiated a project on recruitment of young women to engineering. The project has three phases: Production of raw video material; professional production of information material; information campaigns using the information material produced. The new aspect lies in the fact that producers of raw material are members of the target group, i.e. young women from secondary schools making video films about the lives of female engineering students, respectively female engineers. A data bank of 8 video films each 2 - 3 hours has been established. Next step has been to select and extract useful material as input to professional production of short video clips, streamers, photos, text etc. to be used in electronic as well as in paper-born format. The paper presents and discusses the project results obtained so far.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings of the 37th SEFI conference
Number of pages8
Publication date2009
Publication statusPublished - 2009
Externally publishedYes
Event37th Annual conference of the European Society for Engineering Education - Rotterdam, Netherlands
Duration: 1 Jul 20094 Jul 2009


Conference37th Annual conference of the European Society for Engineering Education
Internet address


  • Recruitment
  • Women
  • Engineering
  • Diversity
  • Innovation


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