Electrode placement during electro-desalination of

Lisbeth M. Ottosen, Lovisa C. H. Andersson

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingArticle in proceedingsResearchpeer-review


    Carved stone sculptures and ornaments can be severely damaged by salt
    induced decay. Often the irregular surfaces are decomposed, and the artwork is
    lost. The present paper is an experimental investigation on the possibility for
    using electro-desalination for treatment of stone with irregular shape with only
    two electrodes. The used Gotland sandstones were contaminated by NaCl in the
    laboratory. Due to the relatively good homogeneity in initial salt concentration
    obtained in this way, interpretation of the ED process were direct. Stones with
    an up-side-down T-shape formed the core of the investigation. Electro-desalination experiments were made with different duration to follow the progress. Successful desalination of the whole stone piece was obtained, showing that also parts not being placed directly between the electrodes were desalinated. This is important in case of salt damaged carved stones, where the most fragile parts thus can be desalinated without physically placing electrodes on them. The Cl removal rate was higher in the areas closest to the electrodes and slowest in the part, which was not placed directly between the electrodes. This is important to incorporate in the monitoring program to decide when a desalination action is finished.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationProceedings of the 4th International Conference on Salt Weathering of Buildings and Stone Sculptures
    Number of pages8
    Publication date2017
    ISBN (Electronic)978-3-934329-88-1
    Publication statusPublished - 2017
    Event4th International Conference on Salt Weathering of Buildings and Stone Sculptures - Potsdam, Germany
    Duration: 20 Sept 201722 Sept 2017
    Conference number: 4


    Conference4th International Conference on Salt Weathering of Buildings and Stone Sculptures


    • Electro-desalination
    • Sandstone
    • Carved stone
    • NaCl


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