Electrochemical Reactor for Exhaust Gas Purification

Henrik Christensen, Jørgen Dinesen, Henriette Hare Engell, Kent Kammer Hansen

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingArticle in proceedingsResearchpeer-review


A concept for an electrochemical reactor acting as a trap for the removal of soot particles from diesel exhaust gas has been developed and presented earlier [1]. Only small scale flat plate samples tested with synthetic exhaust gas was presented. Since then, the sample size has been increased, and test on a diesel engine in a test bench has been carried out. Various concepts for the establishment of a sufficient filtering surface and for the electrical connections have been tested, and the construction of a muffler with an electrochemical reactor installed has been initiated. This is to be on a passenger car for on-road test. The preliminary bench test indicates a soot removal efficiency of 75-90% with no accumulation of soot at the reactor, at temperatures above 250°C. A separate project has been started to evaluate the possibilities of lean NOx removal on a similar reactor. Results from this will be reported separately.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationDiesel Exhaust Aftertreatment 1999 : International Congress and Exposition
Number of pages5
PublisherSociety of Automotive Engineers
Publication date1999
Publication statusPublished - 1999
Externally publishedYes
EventSAE International Congress & Exposition 1999: Diesel exhaust aftertreatment  - Detroit, United States
Duration: 1 Mar 19994 Mar 1999


ConferenceSAE International Congress & Exposition 1999
Country/TerritoryUnited States
SeriesS A E Technical Papers


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