Electrochemical promotion of NO reduction by hydrogen on a platinum/polybenzimidazole catalyst

Irina Petrushina, Viktor Bandur, Frederik Vilhelm Cappeln, Niels Bjerrum, Rasmus Zink Sørensen, R.H. Refshauge, Qingfeng Li

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The electrochemical promotion of catalytic NO reduction by hydrogen was studied using a (NO, H-2, Ar), Pt polybenzimidazole (PBI)-H3PO4\Pt, (H-2, Ar) fuel cell at 135degreesC. A mixture of NO/H-2/Ar was used as the working mixture at one electrode and a mixture of H-2/Ar was used as reference and counter gas at the other electrode. Products of NO reduction (N-2 and H2O) were analyzed by an on-line mass spectrometer. At high NO+H-2+Ar flow rate (17 mL/min; 17 and 354 mL/min, respectively, at atmospheric pressure) the maximum rate enhancement ratio was 4.65. At low NO+H-2+Ar flow rate (17 mL/min; 17 and 140 mL/min, respectively), NO reduction increased 20 times even without polarization compared to the high gas flow rate. The electrochemical promotion effect occurs at positive polarization with a maximum increase at approximately 0.08 V and with 1.5 times the zero polarization value. The promotion at the negative polarization can be attributed to the electrochemical production of the promoters. At low gas flow rates, a charge-induced change of the strength of chemisorptive bonds can take place.
Original languageEnglish
JournalJournal of The Electrochemical Society
Issue number5
Pages (from-to)D87-D90
Publication statusPublished - 2003

Bibliographical note

Copyright The Electrochemical Society, Inc. [2003]. All rights reserved. Except as provided under U.S. copyright law, this work may not be reproduced, resold, distributed, or modified without the express permission of The Electrochemical Society (ECS).


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