Electrochemical profiling of multi-clad aluminium sheets used in automotive heat exchangers

Kirill Bordo, Visweswara C. Gudla*, Lionel Peguet, Andreas Afseth, Rajan Ambat

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    A combination of glow discharge optical emission spectroscopy sputtering and local electrochemical measurements was used to determine electrochemical changes upon brazing in a multi-layered Aluminium sheet (AA4343/AA3xxx/AA4343) with an additional low-Cu (AA3xxx) interlayer. Ecorr values from potentiodynamic polarization, galvanic corrosion behaviour by ZRA, microstructure and composition by SEM and TEM were investigated and compared to those obtained for sheet without the interlayer. Inward diffusion of Si from clad, and outward diffusion of Cu from core are found to degrade the corrosion properties of conventional sheet, whereas presence of interlayer reduced outward diffusion of Cu and hence improved corrosion protection.
    Original languageEnglish
    JournalCorrosion Science
    Pages (from-to)28-37
    Publication statusPublished - 2018


    • A. Aluminium
    • A. Intermetallics
    • B. Sem
    • B. Polarization
    • B. Tem


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