Electrochemical Chloride extraction using external electrodes?

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingArticle in proceedingsResearchpeer-review


Electrochemical methods for the removal of chloride from concrete have been developed and the methods are primarily designed for situations where corrosion has started due to an increased chloride concentration in the vicinity of the reinforcement. In these methods the reinforcement is used as the cathode. However, some unwanted side effects can occur, including alkali-silica reaction and in some cases hydrogen embrittlement. It is also suggested also to use electrochemical chloride extraction in a preventive way in constructions where chloride induced corrosion is likely to be a problem after a period of time, i.e. remove the chlorides before the chloride front reaches the reinforcement. If the chlorides are removed from outer few centimetres from the surface, the chloride will not reach the reinforcement and cause damage. By using the electrochemical chloride removal in this preventive way, it is possible to use external electrodes and not use of the reinforcement as cathode thus avoiding side effects.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationConcrete solutions : Proceedings of the Second International Conference
EditorsMichael Grantham, Raoul Jaubertie, Christophe Lanos
Number of pages798
Place of PublicationGarston, Watford
PublisherBRE press
Publication date2006
ISBN (Print)1-86081-915-x
Publication statusPublished - 2006
EventConcrete Solutions : Second International Conference on Concrete Repair - St. Malo, France
Duration: 27 Jun 200629 Jun 2006


ConferenceConcrete Solutions
CitySt. Malo


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